The purpose of the organization is to develop and uplift the tribal people. Rural, tribal and underdeveloped people develop economically, educationally, agriculturally, commercially, socially and culturally. The health system improves. The aim of the organization is to provide high quality health to the people and provide nutritious food to the children and pregnant mothers. Our motives are as follows.
- Primary and secondary education of children in the above-mentioned area (intended to cover 100% of the population).
- To set up schools (primary and secondary) and hostels, ashrams for tribal girls.
- To arrange higher education in rural, tribal and underdeveloped areas.
- To start medical college, engineering college and nursing college, pharmacy college and training local people in these fields.
- To establish higher education system (in science, literature, commerce, etc.) for the people of the above-mentioned areas.
- To promote technical education by starting Institute for Technical Training (ITI) Medicinal Training Institutes).
- Organizing educational camps and activities and improving the rate of women's education. ;>